Independent Trustee Company Blog

Monday, April 16, 2012

All great changes are preceeded by chaos - Deepak Chopra

Over 100 advisors around the country participated in our recent webinar which focused on the future of the pensions industry in Ireland and ideas on how to adapt your business to meet the changing environment.

During the webinar, we surveyed the attendees on topical industry issues which produced some interesting results.

  • 71% of advisors feel asset security is most important to their clients.
  • 60% of advisors feel that there will be 5-6 Life Companies left in the Irish marketplace within the next 5 years. 30% believe there will be less than 5.
  • 20% of advisors feel that they have a well planned business strategy in place. 65% are constantly reviewing their business.

If you would like to view the webinar please click here or if you would like to attend our next webinar please mail

Michael Keyes
Sales & Marketing Director

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