When you consider the level of investment needed in Ireland to:
1. Pay for the banking crisis
2. Fund the government deficit
3. Provide finance to long suffering businessesYou would think every aspect of our investment regime would be structured to maximise the flow of funds. In fact, the exact opposite is happening!
Irish pension funds are sitting on €80 billion in assets. A reducing amount of this is invested in
Concerns about the level of equities in Pension Funds means they are selling equities. The volatility of Irish government debt means they cannot invest in this either. SME investment is handicapped by a range of Revenue rules dealing with close companies.
Even the annuity market cannot claim to be immune: whilst the yield on Irish Gilts rocket upwards annuity rates remain depressed because of the need to back them with German Bonds.
To borrow loosely from Coleridge: “Money Money everywhere and Everyone Going Broke”.
Author: Aidan McLoughlin
Author: Aidan McLoughlin
- The opinions expressed are those of the individuals rather than Independent Trustee Company.
- Independent Trustee Company does not take responsibility for the accuracy of any content.
- The contents cannot be construed as advice.
- We would strongly suggest that any information provided should be discussed with your financial adviser before any action is taken.